Pratyush Suryavanshi, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar [4 publications]
Pratyush obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Utah in 2020. He is interested in the effects of chloride and volume dysregulation on neuronal and network excitability. He is also interested in the causative mechanisms of nuclear transport dysfunction and dendritic injury after various brain insults.
Publications in Glykys Lab:
- Suryavanshi P, Langton R, Fairhead K, Glykys J. Brief and diverse excitotoxic insults increase the neuronal nuclear membrane permeability in the neonatal brain, resulting in neuronal dysfunction and cell death. J Neurosci. 2024 Aug 30:e0350242024. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0350-24.2024.
- Suryavanshi P, Baule S, Glykys J. Trauma in neonatal acute brain slices alters calcium and network dynamics and causes calpain-mediated cell death.
- Liddiard GT, Suryahvanshi PS, Glykys J. Enhancing GABAergic tonic inhibition reduces seizure-like activity in the neonatal mouse hippocampus and neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 4 January 2024, e1342232023; DOI:
- Islam MS, Suryavanshi P, Baule SM, Glykys J, Baek S. A Deep Learning Approach for Neuronal Cell Body Segmentation in Neurons Expressing GCaMP using a Swin Transformer. eNeuro. 2023 Sep 13; ENEURO.0148-23.2023.PMID: 37704367.
- Suryavanshi P., Langton R., Fairhead K., Glykys J. Brief excitotoxic insults cause a calpain-mediated increase in nuclear membrane permeability in neonatal neurons. bioRxiv. 2023 Aug 23;2023.08.22.554167. doi: 10.1101/2023.08.22.554167. Preprint. 2023
- 2023 Post-doctoral Award Fellowship by the American Epilepsy Society.