Samuel M. Baule
Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate (10/2020-08/2023) [3 publications]
Currently a Medical Student at Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Publications in Glykys Lab:
- Suryavanshi P, Baule S, Glykys J. Trauma in neonatal acute brain slices alters calcium and network dynamics and causes calpain-mediated cell death.
- Islam MS, Suryavanshi P, Baule SM, Glykys J, Baek S. A Deep Learning Approach for Neuronal Cell Body Segmentation in Neurons Expressing GCaMP using a Swin Transformer. eNeuro. 2023 Sep 13; ENEURO.0148-23.2023.PMID: 37704367.
- Takezawa Y, Langton R, Baule SM, Zimmerman MB, Baek J. Glykys, J. Role of NKCC1 and KCC2 during hypoxia-induced neuronal swelling in the neonatal neocortex. Neurobiol. Dis. 2023. Mar;178:106013. PMID: 36706928